When  Rockford is brought up, people always have opinions. Some negative, some positive. However, even AI thinks there are things people should know about before moving here... and I find that a little bit funny.

In my opinion, Rockford's bad rap is completely unnecessary. And while I completely understand some people's opposing thoughts, sometimes it gets a little sad hearing constant negative comments.

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I've lived here for about 3 years now, and I was beginning to think about what advice I might tell someone who was planning to move here. Then, I had the clever idea to just ask AI haha!

ChatGPT Lists Things People Should Know About Before Moving to Rockford

The whole world of AI both frustrates and amuses me. I'm either annoyed or laughing, and very rarely am I in between. It's crazy to me that we even have this tool now and that it's become so consistent in some people's work-life. For today, I'm just going to use it for cheap entertainment.

I simply wanted to know what these little robots would think of as "important" for people to know if they're considering moving to the 815. And let me tell you, I was honestly taken aback by the results it produced.

Some of the answers I completely agreed with, some made me laugh because it was funny to me how even robots know about our opinions on Rockford traffic. Overall, I am incredibly impressed with the immense amount of positivity that was said!

Without further ado, here is what these wondering robots of this generation had to said about our town.

10 Things Someone Should Know Before Moving to Rockford, According to AI

I asked ChatGPT what it thinks someone should know before moving to Rockford, Illinois. Here's what it came up with.

Gallery Credit: Olivia Williams

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Gallery Credit: Double T