WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so, you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.

Abandoned churches have to be one of the most eerie places on the planet. This one located right here in Illinois is no exception to that.

You've heard me say time and time again that abandoned places can be irritating. It's sad to see how much is wasted on usable furniture, food, and equipment. Maybe that's one of the reasons I like writing about them, to spread awareness about them.


I've covered many abandoned spots before, and this is the second church that I've discovered on YouTube. Maybe it's my Catholic upbringing, but this place both creeps me out and makes me feel nostalgic.

YouTubers Explore An Abandoned Church in Illinois

I'm not sure if this is a Catholic church, the basement alone is giving me flashbacks. It looks nearly identical to the one at my elementary school.

It's not disclosed where this place is in the video, but the explorers do confirm that it's in Illinois. One thing's for certain, those pews do not look safe or comfortable... then again, when have they ever been comfortable?

Golden Gamer, YouTube

RELATED: Explorers Capture The Disappointing Amount of Vandalism Done To An Abandoned Hotel

Golden Gamer, YouTube
Golden Gamer, YouTube

It sucks that I don't know where this place is because I'd love to know how old it is and how long it's been sitting abandoned. My guess would be it's been unused for a decent amount of time considering the condition of the ceiling.

Now, let's take a look!

Explore An Abandoned Illinois Church [VIDEO]

A group of YouTubers explore a creepy abandoned church here in Illinois. Check out the eerie findings and forgotten memories left behind.

Gallery Credit: Olivia Williams

Cool, huh? Check out the full exploration at the video below.

Decaying Midwest Investigates an Abandoned Wisconsin Hospital

Check out the crazy amount of items that Decaying Midwest found left behind in this abandoned hospital in Wisconsin that closed during COVID.

Gallery Credit: Olivia Williams

Explore The Old Joliet Prison: Joliet, IL

The facility officially opened in May of 1858 with a whopping total of 53 prisoners. It only took 20 years for the number of inmates to rise to nearly 2,000.

Gallery Credit: Olivia Williams