Johnny Vincent, affectionately known as Johnny V, is a seasoned radio personality with a remarkable three-decade-long career in the industry. His journey in the world of broadcasting led him to Rockford in 2010, where he quickly made a name for himself on former radio station 101QFL, which later became K-Love. Johnny's outstanding contributions to the field were recognized when he received a prestigious Silver Dome Award from the Illinois Broadcasters Association in 2018. Johnny loves his Boston Terrier, Wrigley, and his devotion to the Chicago Cubs is unwavering. As the energetic host of "The Ride Home" on Q 98.5, Johnny brings a unique blend of charm, humor, local happenings, and country music to the airwaves, making him a cherished voice in the lives of many listeners around the Rockford region
Johnny V
This Illinois City Was Just Named Ugliest in the Entire State
Explore the factors contributing to some cities being labeled as 'ugly' and how perceptions can differ among residents and tourists.
America’s Worst Fast Food Joint Has 18 Illinois Locations
When you can't make it to a grocery store and need something to eat fast, what are the best and worst options for a drive-through meal in the Stateline area?
This Wisconsin Grocery Store Has Worst Food Quality in America
Find out where to shop for quality products and great prices in Illinois and Wisconsin with our exclusive ranking.
Celebrating Illinois’ Top Volunteers for 2024 Across the State
Discover the remarkable 'Unsung Heroes of History and Nature' honored by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources for their impactful contributions.
Illinois Begins Roundtable Discussions to Shape Future Aging Policies
Shape the future of aging services in Illinois by participating in roundtable discussions organized by IDoA. Your voice matters in crafting the State Plan on Aging!
Permanently Out Of Stock Foods In Illinois And Wisconsin
Over time, we've seen many food items come and go in Illinois and Wisconsin. Sometimes, it's sad to see certain ones go. Others you've never tried in your life. Here are some foods that have been discontinued so far this year.
Governor Pritzker Issues Illinois Disaster Proclamation After Severe Storms
Governor Pritzker urges swift action as severe storms in Illinois lead to flash floods and power outages.
Urgent Warning for Illinois Boaters Ahead of Labor Day Weekend
As Labor Day nears, Illinois authorities emphasize the need for life jackets after a spike in boating deaths.
Devastating Fire Destroys Stadium Featured in ‘A League of Their Own’
A stadium featured in a movie that helped put Rockford, Illinois on the map has burned to the ground
Deadly Virus is Spreading, Kills First Victim in Illinois
With warm weather persisting, taking precautions against mosquito bites crucial to prevent West Nile virus transmission.