Open Letter To The Absolute Worst People in Rockford
I was out on a walk this weekend, enjoying my time in the sun. Getting some fresh air, and came across something that I see WAY too often in Rockford.
We all have personal things that really make us mad: people who hog the left lane, people who don't let you merge when you're turning signal is on and they have room to move over, etc.
However, my one rule overarching rule is no matter what trash I'm carrying, I will absolutely wait until I get to the garbage can before I even think of just throwing it on the ground.
People are entitled to their own opinions, but I think most decent humans would consecutively agree that littering is lazy and inexcusable. If you can't wait to throw something away where it belongs, you might need to work on your patience.
The Massive Problem With Littering in Rockford
Sadly, this isn't the first time I've seen this. What's even worse about the picture.... there's literally a trash can not even 200 steps away from where they littered. Unnecessary and wrong to do.
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This is the epitome of laziness and I'm begging for it to stop. It's too common in the area, which is sad that people are that used to it.
I was truly stunned seeing this. Rockford's awesome and we should treat it that way. For the love of all that's good... don't be that guy.
We need to do better people. If you have garbage, you can walk your happy little two feet to a trash can like the rest of us. End of story.
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